Philippians: Anxious for Nothing

Philippians 2:12-30

As human beings we are often drawn to formulas. What is the best recipe for a good chili? What is the formula for the perfect day off? What is the best way to raise a child? How many books have been sold: recipe books, self-help books, etc. that are meant to teach us these formulas?

But life is often more complex than that. There is not often one formula that will solve the problem for us. And the same thing is true of the church. There is no one, singular, formula. Every church needs to navigate their given cultural context. You can’t copy and paste a church model that works in one geographic area to another and expect the same results.

This is part of why Paul writes his epistles uniquely each time. Different churches have had different struggles, and different gifts. But at the end of Philippians chapter 2, we find some guidance that is useful anywhere and everywhere. Paul wants the church to “shine…like stars in the sky.” Join us this week as we explore both the “how” and the “why” of this encouragement from Paul!

-Pastor Nate Roschen