Philippians: Anxious for Nothing

Philippians 3: 1-14

The first half of Philippians chapter 3 highlights a couple of important ideas. The first is that nothing that nothing about us – what we have, what we do, and what other people say about us – is worth having confidence in. Paul, of all the Jews of his time, had reason to be confident in who he was. He was highly educated, well-respected, from the best tribe and family. But none of that counted for anything eternally.

The second thought shared in this passage is that Paul – wise, educated, experienced Paul – still wanted to know God more. His desire to know God truly and intimately never waned. He wanted more of God. And if that is true of Paul, what does it say of us? Join us as we continue making our way through Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi!

-Pastor Nate Roschen